Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Ladies and Followers------
Through an apparent oversight, the time listed for the start of the Cuyahoga Heights meet this Saturday (07/May) is incorrect.  The field events begin at 3:00pm and the running events, at 4:30pm.  This means that all students sitting for the SAT this Saturday should have no problems.  Those taking the SAT should go to the test dressed in uniforms so that it is only a matter of leaving the test and going directly to the bus or vans for our departure from the MAC at 1:15pm.

I hope this clarifies things.  Please, pass along this correction/clarification to parents and others.

Let's get pumped, Ladies,.......with belief in yourselves and loads of Fire and Desire!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your SAT's. And throw far, jump high and run fast at the meet!!!
